IPod/Tablet Dock (Knex)
Check out my iPod Dock!!It works for really any iPod out there.New Stufff!I finally had time to revise this instructable for you guysJust let me know if you have any questions about this because it...
View ArticleKnex L96A1
Here is the long awaited L96A1 Sniper Rifle! i promised that i would haev it made, and here it is! note: i didn't make this only for similarties in looks, but mainly for knex wars, and long range...
View ArticleBakenbitz Knex AK-47 Model
First of all this is only a model, IT DOES NOT SHOOT!I would build this gun over most of the guns that do shoot just because of the sheer looks,although it is not the easiest gun to build it is not...
View ArticleSilver Arrow K'nex Rifle
Ok, so I made this gun god knows how long ago and I finally decided to make instructions for it. I decided it was time to stop being lazy and post it, another reason was due to the sudden lack of...
View ArticleXM8 / FN SCAR Knex Gun
This is instructions for Alingarhs knex weapon. I did get permission from him to make and may I say this is the most powerful magazine fed gun with only 2 elastics that I ever made. Without further ado...
View Articlemorretti SR-4 knex recon kit
morrettie SR-4 knex sniper is one of the most powerful knex guns. Don't forget to rate it five stars if you like it! the long awaited knex gun.... actually for 18 days. Ok lets get to the important...
View Articleknex FN Fal assault
here is newest project this is i think the first knex FN Fal it's got a nice stock with ram guide comfy handle and grip it is 6 layered / 8 by the grip it's got a 20 round bleu size mag i putt a scope...
View ArticleKnex dual turret assault bow
The much anticipated "Shanti" bow, or the D-TAB (dual-turret assault bow) is finally here. The D-TAB is a shot bow, meaning that is is a bow/crossbow that shoots more than one shot at a time. The...
View ArticleMPR-12
This is the assault rifle that i made.it looks a bit like an AK47 but its my own. It was originally based on killer~safe crackers monster pistol but i changed it over the coarse of a week and it became...
View ArticleH&K MP5SD (+ Internal Pictures)
Hey guys. Well, I have been working on this gun for almost (if not over) a week now, and I am not entirely happy with it. But as I cannot put my finger on what is incorrect, I think you might be able...
View ArticleMosin Nagant - M1891/1930, Knex
This is the Mosin Nagant, a russian rifle used mainly during WW1 and WW2. The Model 1891/1930 Rifle. Normal 0 Stats: Model: Mosin Nagant Mechanism: FPM Range: 30-50 feet depending on elastic bands...
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